Register your dog for the Association that holds the Trial. (e.g AKC, UKC, Barn Hunt Association, NASDA, NACSW)
Fill out the Entry Form to the dog club that is hosting the event.
Many trials require paper entries (so find your checkbook and stamps!)
If your sport is popular, read the trial details (Premium) on how entries will be selected, this will impact when you should submit your entry. (Random Draw, First Received, Day Of Entries, etc)
You will likely receive an email after the entry ‘closing’ date with notice if you did or did not get into the trial.
If you haven’t heard anything, contact your Trial Secretary
Many folks whom hold trials also have day jobs, so be patient with response times.
If you got into the trial (yay, congrats!) you will receive more details from the Trial Secretary a week or two before the event date.
what time to check in, where to park, where to potty your dog, etc
Prep Before The Trial
Infographic made with
What To Bring To The Trial
Aluminet to cover your car and keep it cool (many people crate their dogs in their car, with the trunk/windows open)
Camping Chair
Portable Kennel (to crate your dog when waiting)
Water bowl
Treat bag with treats
Extra dog food (you might be out/on the road during feeding time)